TREVER®|SORB Polymeric Adsorbents

TREVER®|SORB polymeric adsorbents are highly porous polymers whose internal surface areas can be as high as 1400 m2/g. Depending on their composition and structure, a wide variety of complex molecules can be adsorbed. TREVER®|SORB polymeric adsorbents are used in various specialized applications such as chemical processing, food and beverage processing and pharmaceuticals.


TREVER®|SORB Polymeric Adsorbents - Properties1 and Applications

More adsorbents are available on request, this list is only an extract of the commercially most important range of adsorbents.

Small bead sizes for high performance separations on request (e.g. 100 – 400 microns)


1 Preliminary data - 2 with cationic groups - 3 with anionic groups - 4 carbonaceous